JKT48 Garakonsato .B.E.L.I.E.V.E.

do no yo ni atode

17-18 jyuuni gatsu deshita ka shinpai suru koto wa watashi no nichi ta nichi kin JKT48 hando sheiku dearu koto wo ibento wo hoji shimasu matsuri betsu nobasho de koto wo kokoro haishi teita watashi wa "watshi ga kuru koto ga arimasu" "sono ato ritan ga kote dono yoru ie sukiri suto no bai" soshite ho ka no fuan ima watashi wa so omo ni atode "kuru ka do ka" soshite sore wamata futatabi okane wo setsu yaku sukoshi ni mo kakawarazu soshite shushu shita gara konsato no chi ketto wo ko nyuu surui soshite soko ni yu su JOT (JKT48 Operational Team) nai konsa to no chiketto no ka kaku wo kyou ete watashi wa garakonsato no chiketto wo osorete shinpai shite kanji ma shita ko kana soshite watashi wa juubun na okane wo mtsu tei ma zen shushu shita chiketto koko dewa arimasen soshite watashi wa garakonsato ni kuru koto ga fazu no tame no jikan

how later

17-18 december was the day that made me worry due date was JKT48 hold event that is concert and handshake festival in difeerent place make i was worried "if i may come" "later if come returns how" and other worries now so i think for later "whether or not come" and it also again saving money despite a little bit and good collected to buy a ticket concert and tto trasport there  JOT (JKT48 Operational Team) not tell the price concert ticket i felt worried afraid concert tickets expensive and the money i have collected not sufficient good ticket not expensive and i could come to a concert for the first time


  1. すごい。かなで書いたほうがいいと思います��


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